Thursday, July 26, 2007

Busy, busy, busy...

So much going on so little time. The house is finished! We close on Monday, July 30th. I have a busy week ahead of me. There will be counting and measuring, installing and moving, renting and buying. But first, of course, a lot of money that has been earning a lot of interest in the bank, will be changing hands. Out of my hands into someone else's. I really don't like thinking about it. Well, at least we'll have our new house.

The sod is supposed to be in on Monday or Tuesday, so I will have a lot of watering to do. Tuesday is time for me to move our stuff out of the small and medium sized storage units. Wednesday we'll get cable and internet hooked up, and the refrigerator, washer and dryer will be delivered and installed too. Then Saturday is the big move day. Want to help? In between Monday and Saturday I will be doing many other things. I'll have to pace myself. Wish me luck.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Zachary's First Birthday Photo-shoot

ZRG c 7-1-2007 bw
Originally uploaded by J. Philip Graham
Tomorrow (July 2, 2007) is Zachary's 1st Birthday!!! So today we had some pictures taken of him. What a cutie!!!