So Zachary has moved out of his crib. After a few months of not being necessarily happy about going to bed at night (nothing out of the ordinary actually) or taking naps during the day we have found a solution (albeit a temporary one I am sure). Lately Zachary has been asking to sleep on the floor for his naps. That of course turned into requests to sleep on the floor at night. The other night we decided to let him sleep on the floor. While I experienced my first "oh my god my child is growing up" feelings, it appeared to be a success. He did not fight when it was time for bed, and he did not call for us for various reasons after going to bed. While he started out the night in the middle of the bedroom floor, he awoke the next morning completely underneath his crib. He gave a concerned cry for us at which time I went into his room, got down on the floor, lifted the bed/crib-skirt, and let him know that he was only under his crib. Understanding the situation he crawled out smiling after a good night sleep, happy that he was still on the floor.
So now we've replaced the crib with a mattress on the floor. He moves around a lot in bed so we did not want to jump right to a mattress set and regular bed for fear he would fall out of bed during the night. We showed him his new bed last night and asked how he liked it, to which he responded, "Oooh, it's comfortable." So he went to bed last night without any objections on his new mattress.
I woke up at about 2:30 this morning (not sure why) so I went in to check on him. There he was curled up, fetal position, face down, three feet from the mattress on the floor against the wall under the windows. I told you he moves around a lot. I picked him up and put him back in bed. He stayed on his bed the rest of the night. At least I think he did, but I left for work before he woke up.
Fun. Just make sure he doesn't try to sleep walk out of the house. It might run in the family.